Monday, June 9, 2008

Summer films so far...

It's June, so now the first part of the summer movie season has ended. Overall, May was a very good month. We had two mega hits, (Indiana Jones and Iron Man.) A few solid hits, (Sex and the City and Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian,) and one huge bomb, (Speed Racer.) Some minor points that I have noticed so far with these films and some comments on what's to come.

1) Speed Racer bombing does not come as a huge surprise to me. The Wachowskis are good filmmakers but the material just wasn't there this time. Visuallly it was fun though. I think they had too much faith in the fact that they thought everyone liked Speed Racer that much to go see the film. I like the cartoon but not that much. Plus it doesn't help when the previous film from the last weekend (Iron Man) was just that good.

2) Speaking of which, I think one thing that can be said about Iron Man was that everyone including me was stunned that it was that good. I thought it was going to be a fun film, but now that Marvel Studios has control over their films now, it seems that the material is much better now. Marvel it seemed in the past has had problems with having to please the comic book fans and the corporate heads at the studios. Look at Daredevil, Elektra, and even Spider Man 3 and Blade Trinity. Those films just looked like they were made by a corporate machine. I'm sensing that good things are going to be coming from Marvel Studios in the near future.

3) Other than for the part with the monkeys, Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull was very good. It wasn't perfect, but considering the expectations Spielberg had to deal with, it still worked very well.

4) Harrison Ford still rocks. Now he just needs to find a great dramatic role and he can continue on to a good acting career late in his life i.e. Clint Eastwood.

5) The Incredible Hulk is looking better by the week. When this was first announced, even with Ed Norton, I just wasn't to sure about it. It seemed a little desperate on the studios part to be making it, since the last film bombed with the fans really bad. But now this one is shaping up to be very fun at least.

6) The Happening is not looking good if you ask me. One thing I keep noticing in the commercials for it is how much they are over emphasizing the R-Rating. Like on the commercials and the poster, the R-Rating is in big bold letters. What worries me about that is that they are trying to sell us on the fact that "hey, our film sucks, but at least it's R-Rated, with R-Rated stuff!!" I just don't have a lot of faith in this one. What the heck is "happening" to M. Night Shyamalan?

Now let's see if the month of June can bring us any great surprises like lasy year's Knocked Up did......

Tuesday, June 3, 2008


All right, I caved in and decided to join the blog world. I am never going to post anything personal on here. This is simply to vent on all matters related to film, literature, music, or pop culture. If you have any other ideas, just let me know. Otherwise, enjoy the site.