Saturday, July 12, 2008

Random Notes

Here is some random notes about movies and life in general from the last month or so....

  • I'm betting that box-office wise, The Dark Knight will either beat Spider-Man 3's weekend box-office record or it will come really, really, close. I mean, when you are adding 3 am and 6 am screenings because the midnight screenings are selling out, you probably have a mega-hit on your hands.
  • Heath Ledger is getting nominated for an Oscar at the end of the year, bet on it.
  • M. Night Shamlaylan on the other hand, might win a Razzie award this year for worst director. Seriously, The Happening is that bad of a film. It might have made it's money back at the box office, but besides Stephen King, I don't know anyone who didn't hate that film.
  • Speaking of flops, I knew Mike Myers's The Love Guru would tank. It just never had the buzz and the type of comedy that he does is just not people's cup of tea anymore. Plus with all the rumors of his on set flip outs over the years, I wouldn't be surprised if people were rooting for him to bomb. He'll comeback, but it'll be awhile.
  • Other than The Dark Knight, the only other film we have to look forward to I think is Pineapple Express. Seth Rogen and Judd Apatow are on a roll and this film looks like it will continue that roll.
  • Quentin Tarantino has just annouced that Inglorious Bastards is finally going to get made. I think it's about time. He's been working on that forever and from the way it sounds from those that read the script, it's going to be amazing. Quentin could sure use a hit after Grindhouse dissappointed big time.
  • If the casting rumors are true, I go with Brad Pitt over Leo DiCaprio for the Captain America film. They both have the all american look, but Pitt has the acting chops, and Dicaprio is just a little too scrawny for the part.
  • Don't look now, but Indiana Jones is about to pass Iron Man for the biggest moneymaking hit of the year. After the rough time, he had with Munich, you know Spielberg has to be grinning from ear to ear over this.

I'll put up a review of The Dark Knight next weekend sometime. Until then, Travel well and stay safe.