Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Long time no see! Well since Mr. Greg Gorham aka Punk was asking about where this blog post was, I have decided to give him and to any of the 20 people who read this my thoughts on the Oscars from this past Sunday:

1) Social Network should have won Best Picture. It was a much better paced and better technical film than The King's Speech. I didn't hate King all that much, I just thought that it felt like a TV movie at times. The best thing about it was Colin Firth and he did rightfully win the Best Actor trophy. But like Steven Spielberg said, it's in good company with other Best Picture losers.

2) One thing was for sure though, King's Speech was way better than the English Patient or Shakespeare in Love. Still a tragedy that both of those movies won.

3) The best of award of the night though went to Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross. The Social Network was the best soundtrack of the last five years. It made the movie. Moved it along at a pace that it needed to go. Plus that opening theme titled Hand Covers Bruise was just a great piece of music.

4) Anne Hathaway and James Franco were terrible hosts. There has been reports coming out that the two of them did not like working with each other at all. If that is true, it really would explain the lack of chemistry on their part. I know the Academy is saying it is trying to be hip, but it wouldn't surprise me if they brought back Steve Martin or even Billy Crystal. Especially after the reception he got Sunday.

5) Roger Deakins, the cinematographer for True Grit, may end up becoming the new Martin Scorsese. He has been nominated eight times now and has not won it once. In his case he just keeps running into other great films. I was fine with Wally Psfter from Inception, winning it. That film was beautiful.

6) Is it sad that Kirk Douglas had more energy than most of the other presenters? You knew when he was getting more laughs than the host then the evening was screwed.

7) Best Quote I heard about the show came from my friend Rudy: " If I die, I do not want Celine Dion singing at my In Memorium tribute!" Well said Rudy, well said.

All I have at the moment, will write more ramblings when I think of some :D

- Hash